UKM Bitara Award Planning Workshop 2024
The UKM Strategy Center has organized the UKM Bitara Award Planning Workshop 2024 which took place at Dorsett Putrajaya on 18 November 2023. Welcome speech delivered by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Roslee Rajikan, Pro Vice Chancellor (Strategy & Corporate Development).
This workshop aims to make plans to strengthen the UKM Bitara Award in 2024. This workshop was also attended by 33 participants consisting of the awards secretariat and representatives from JK Keteramapilan Jiwa Watan, UKM Secretaries Association (PSUKM), Administrative Assistants Association (PERPENTA), General Staff Union (KESUKMA) and Administrative Assistants & Assistants Association Operation (PTPO) to provide input on the participation and appropriateness of the UKM Bitara Award among the Executive Staff.
The UKM Strategy Center as the secretariat expresses its appreciation and thanks to all who attended.