Plant Biotechnology Lab

CPB utilizes new perspective in biotechnology to enhance the value of life through food quality and the discovery of new plant secondary metabolites in place of synthetic drugs. The center offers a platform for the exploration of tropical biodiversity and improvement of crop species through transgenic technology. This lab is under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Aizat Wan Kamaruddin.
At CPB, we offer facilities such as laminar air-flow, plant growth chamber, plant growth room (clean room), glass house, experimental plot, gene gun, -80°C and -20°C freezers and other relevant equipments.


PCR Thermalcycler (BioRad / T100)
To amplify a particular DNA sequence.
Service charge (per hour) : RM 7 (UKM Members), RM 15 (Non UKM members)

Spectrophotometer (Nanodrop / ND-1000)
To quantify micro-volumes of sample.
Service charge (per hour) : RM 10 (UKM Members), RM 20 (Non UKM members)

Orbital shaker (Protech / 722)
For aeration of in vitro culture.
Service charge (per hour) : RM 25 (UKM Members), RM 50 (Non UKM members)

Orbital shaker (Stuart/SSL1)
For aeration of in vitro culture.
Service charge (per hour) : RM 25 (UKM Members), RM 50 (Non UKM members)

Incubator shaker (INFORS)
Provide agitation for optimal cell growth.
Service charge (per hour) : RM 25 (Ahli UKM), RM 50 (Bukan ahli UKM)

Laminar flow (Sastec)
Enclosed bench designed to prevent contamination of biological samples
Service charge (per hour) : RM 50 (Ahli UKM), RM 100 (Bukan ahli UKM)

Senior Assistant Science Officer / PBT Incident Officer
+603 8921 3836