Students Harvest Agricultural Produce

The Bank Rakyat Nutrition Nursery Initiative together with UKM represented by the Bangi Botanical Garden is seen as a two-pronged mission to help Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) students from B40 families. This corporate social responsibility (CSR) program is seen not only to provide additional pocket money for students to cover the cost of university expenses, but also to equip them with agricultural knowledge that can be used after graduation. Interestingly, the mustard and pak choy vegetables that were planted by fertigation at the UKM Plant House Complex since last July can be harvested recently. In the near future, as a result of the sale of all these vegetables in the market, 30 students involved in this program will enjoy their ‘first salary’.

UKM’s Bangi Botanical Garden head, Associate Prof Dr Noraini Talip said the program was implemented in collaboration with Bank Rakyat involving capital of RM20,000 to build a fertigation plant system without using soil.


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